
title 19 > chapter 12 > subchapter iii > § 2411

.§ 2411. actions by united states trade representative

(a) mandatory action

(1) if the united states trade representative determines under section 2414 (a)(1) of this title that-

(a) the rights of the united states under any trade agreement are being denied; or

(b) an act, policy, or practice of a foreign country-

(i) violates, or is inconsistent with, the provisions of, or otherwise denies benefits to the united states under, any trade agreement, or

(ii) is unjustifiable and burdens or restricts united states commerce;

the trade representative shall take action authorized in subsection (c) of this section, subject to the specific direction, if any, of the president regarding any such action, and shall take all other appropriate and feasible action within the power of the president that the president may direct the trade representative to take under this subsection, to enforce such rights or to obtain the elimination of such act, policy, or practice. actions may be taken that are within the power of the president with respect to trade in any goods or services, or with respect to any other area of pertinent relations with the foreign country.

(2) the trade representative is not required to take action under paragraph (1) in any case in which-

(a) the dispute settlement body (as defined in section 3531 (5) of this title) has adopted a report, or a ruling issued under the formal dispute settlement proceeding provided under any other trade agreement finds, that-

(i) the rights of the united states under a trade agreement are not being denied, or

(ii) the act, policy, or practice-

(i) is not a violation of, or inconsistent with, the rights of the united states, or

(ii) does not deny, nullify, or impair benefits to the united states under any trade agreement; or

(b) the trade representative finds that-

(i) the foreign country is taking satisfactory measures to grant the rights of the united states under a trade agreement,

(ii) the foreign country has-

(i) agreed to eliminate or phase out the act, policy, or practice, or

(ii) agreed to an imminent solution to the burden or restriction on united states commerce that is satisfactory to the trade representative,

(iii) it is impossible for the foreign country to achieve the results described in clause (i) or (ii), as appropriate, but the foreign country agrees to provide to the united states compensatory trade benefits that are satisfactory to the trade representative,

(iv) in extraordinary cases, where the taking of action under this subsection would have an adverse impact on the united states economy substantially out of proportion to the benefits of such action, taking into account the impact of not taking such action on the credibility of the provisions of this subchapter, or

(v) the taking of action under this subsection would cause serious harm to the national security of the united states.

(3) any action taken under paragraph (1) to eliminate an act, policy, or practice shall be devised so as to affect goods or services of the foreign country in an amount that is equivalent in value to the burden or restriction being imposed by that country on united states commerce.

(b) discretionary action

if the trade representative determines under section 2414 (a)(1) of this title that-

(1) an act, policy, or practice of a foreign country is unreasonable or discriminatory and burdens or restricts united states commerce, and

(2) action by the united states is appropriate, the trade representative shall take all appropriate and feasible action authorized under subsection (c) of this section, subject to the specific direction, if any, of the president regarding any such action, and all other appropriate and feasible action within the power of the president that the president may direct the trade representative to take under this subsection, to obtain the elimination of that act, policy, or practice. actions may be taken that are within the power of the president with respect to trade in any goods or services, or with respect to any other area of pertinent relations with the foreign country.

(c) scope of authority

(1) for purposes of carrying out the provisions of subsection (a) or (b) of this section, the trade representative is authorized to-

(a) suspend, withdraw, or prevent the application of, benefits of trade agreement concessions to carry out a trade agreement with the foreign country referred to in such subsection;

(b) impose duties or other import restrictions on the goods of, and, notwithstanding any other provision of law, fees or restrictions on the services of, such foreign country for such time as the trade representative determines appropriate;

(c) in a case in which the act, policy, or practice also fails to meet the eligibility criteria for receiving duty-free treatment under subsections (b) and (c) of section 2462 of this title, subsections (b) and (c) of section 2702 of this title, or subsections (c) and (d) of section 3202 of this title, withdraw, limit, or suspend such treatment under such provisions, notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a)(3) of this section; or

(d) enter into binding agreements with such foreign country that commit such foreign country to-

(i) eliminate, or phase out, the act, policy, or practice that is the subject of the action to be taken under subsection (a) or (b) of this section,

(ii) eliminate any burden or restriction on united states commerce resulting from such act, policy, or practice, or

(iii) provide the united states with compensatory trade benefits that-

(i) are satisfactory to the trade representative, and

(ii) meet the requirements of paragraph (4).


(a) notwithstanding any other provision of law governing any service sector access authorization, and in addition to the authority conferred in paragraph (1), the trade representative may, for purposes of carrying out the provisions of subsection (a) or (b) of this section-

(i) restrict, in the manner and to the extent the trade representative determines appropriate, the terms and conditions of any such authorization, or

(ii) deny the issuance of any such authorization.

(b) actions described in subparagraph (a) may only be taken under this section with respect to service sector access authorizations granted, or applications therefor pending, on or after the date on which-

(i) a petition is filed under section 2412 (a) of this title, or

(ii) a determination to initiate an investigation is made by the trade representative under section 2412 (b) of this title.

(c) before the trade representative takes any action under this section involving the imposition of fees or other restrictions on the services of a foreign country, the trade representative shall, if the services involved are subject to regulation by any agency of the federal government or of any state, consult, as appropriate, with the head of the agency concerned.

(3) the actions the trade representative is authorized to take under subsection (a) or (b) of this section may be taken against any goods or economic sector-

(a) on a nondiscriminatory basis or solely against the foreign country described in such subsection, and

(b) without regard to whether or not such goods or economic sector were involved in the act, policy, or practice that is the subject of such action.

(4) any trade agreement described in paragraph (1)(d)(iii) shall provide compensatory trade benefits that benefit the economic sector which includes the domestic industry that would benefit from the elimination of the act, policy, or practice that is the subject of the action to be taken under subsection (a) or (b) of this section, or benefit the economic sector as closely related as possible to such economic sector, unless-

(a) the provision of such trade benefits is not feasible, or

(b) trade benefits that benefit any other economic sector would be more satisfactory than such trade benefits.

(5) if the trade representative determines that actions to be taken under subsection (a) or (b) of this section are to be in the form of import restrictions, the trade representative shall-

(a) give preference to the imposition of duties over the imposition of other import restrictions, and

(b) if an import restriction other than a duty is imposed, consider substituting, on an incremental basis, an equivalent duty for such other import restriction.

(6) any action taken by the trade representative under this section with respect to export targeting shall, to the extent possible, reflect the full benefit level of the export targeting to the beneficiary over the period during which the action taken has an effect.

(d) definitions and special rules

for purposes of this subchapter-

(1) the term "commerce" includes, but is not limited to-

(a) services (including transfers of information) associated with international trade, whether or not such services are related to specific goods, and

(b) foreign direct investment by united states persons with implications for trade in goods or services.

(2) an act, policy, or practice of a foreign country that burdens or restricts united states commerce may include the provision, directly or indirectly, by that foreign country of subsidies for the construction of vessels used in the commercial transportation by water of goods between foreign countries and the united states.


(a) an act, policy, or practice is unreasonable if the act, policy, or practice, while not necessarily in violation of, or inconsistent with, the international legal rights of the united states, is otherwise unfair and inequitable.

(b) acts, policies, and practices that are unreasonable include, but are not limited to, any act, policy, or practice, or any combination of acts, policies, or practices, which-

(i) denies fair and equitable-

(i) opportunities for the establishment of an enterprise,

(ii) provision of adequate and effective protection of intellectual property rights notwithstanding the fact that the foreign country may be in compliance with the specific obligations of the agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights referred to in section 3511 (d)(15) of this title,

(iii) nondiscriminatory market access opportunities for united states persons that rely upon intellectual property protection, or

(iv) market opportunities, including the toleration by a foreign government of systematic anticompetitive activities by enterprises or among enterprises in the foreign country that have the effect of restricting, on a basis that is inconsistent with commercial considerations, access of united states goods or services to a foreign market,

(ii) constitutes export targeting, or

(iii) constitutes a persistent pattern of conduct that-

(i) denies workers the right of association,

(ii) denies workers the right to organize and bargain collectively,

(iii) permits any form of forced or compulsory labor,

(iv) fails to provide a minimum age for the employment of children, or

(v) fails to provide standards for minimum wages, hours of work, and occupational safety and health of workers.


(i) acts, policies, and practices of a foreign country described in subparagraph (b)(iii) shall not be treated as being unreasonable if the trade representative determines that-

(i) the foreign country has taken, or is taking, actions that demonstrate a significant and tangible overall advancement in providing throughout the foreign country (including any designated zone within the foreign country) the rights and other standards described in the subclauses of subparagraph (b)(iii), or

(ii) such acts, policies, and practices are not inconsistent with the level of economic development of the foreign country.

(ii) the trade representative shall publish in the federal register any determination made under clause (i), together with a description of the facts on which such determination is based.

(d) for purposes of determining whether any act, policy, or practice is unreasonable, reciprocal opportunities in the united states for foreign nationals and firms shall be taken into account, to the extent appropriate.

(e) the term "export targeting" means any government plan or scheme consisting of a combination of coordinated actions (whether carried out severally or jointly) that are bestowed on a specific enterprise, industry, or group thereof, the effect of which is to assist the enterprise, industry, or group to become more competitive in the export of a class or kind of merchandise.


(i) for the purposes of subparagraph (b)(i)(ii), adequate and effective protection of intellectual property rights includes adequate and effective means under the laws of the foreign country for persons who are not citizens or nationals of such country to secure, exercise, and enforce rights and enjoy commercial benefits relating to patents, trademarks, 九游会旗舰厅 copyrights and related rights, mask works, trade secrets, and plant breeder's rights.

(ii) for purposes of subparagraph (b)(i)(iv), the denial of fair and equitable nondiscriminatory market access opportunities includes restrictions on market access related to the use, exploitation, or enjoyment of commercial benefits derived from exercising intellectual property rights in protected works or fixations or products embodying protected works.


(a) an act, policy, or practice is unjustifiable if the act, policy, or practice is in violation of, or inconsistent with, the international legal rights of the united states.

(b) acts, policies, and practices that are unjustifiable include, but are not limited to, any act, policy, or practice described in subparagraph (a) which denies national or most-favored-nation treatment or the right of establishment or protection of intellectual property rights.

(5) acts, policies, and practices that are discriminatory include, when appropriate, any act, policy, and practice which denies national or most-favored-nation treatment to united states goods, services, or investment.

(6) the term "service sector access authorization" means any license, permit, order, or other authorization, issued under the authority of federal law, that permits a foreign supplier of services access to the united states market in a service sector concerned.

(7) the term "foreign country" includes any foreign instrumentality. any possession or territory of a foreign country that is administered separately for customs purposes shall be treated as a separate foreign country.

(8) the term "trade representative" means the united states trade representative.

(9) the term "interested persons", only for purposes of sections 2412 (a)(4)(b), 2414 (b)(1)(a), 2416 (c)(2), and 2417 (a)(2) of this title, includes, but is not limited to, domestic firms and workers, representatives of consumer interests, united states product exporters, and any industrial user of any goods or services that may be affected by actions taken under subsection (a) or (b) of this section.

§ 2412. initiation of investigations

(a) petitions

(1) any interested person may file a petition with the trade representative requesting that action be taken under section 2411 of this title and setting forth the allegations in support of the request.

(2) the trade representative shall review the allegations in any petition filed under paragraph (1) and, not later than 45 days after the date on which the trade representative received the petition, shall determine whether to initiate an investigation.

(3) if the trade representative determines not to initiate an investigation with respect to a petition, the trade representative shall inform the petitioner of the reasons therefor and shall publish notice of the determination, together with a summary of such reasons, in the federal register.

(4) if the trade representative makes an affirmative determination under paragraph (2) with respect to a petition, the trade representative shall initiate an investigation regarding the issues raised in the petition. the trade representative shall publish a summary of the petition in the federal register and shall, as soon as possible, provide opportunity for the presentation of views concerning the issues, including a public hearing-

(a) within the 30-day period beginning on the date of the affirmative determination (or on a date after such period if agreed to by the petitioner) if a public hearing within such period is requested in the petition, or

(b) at such other time if a timely request therefor is made by the petitioner or by any interested person.

(b) initiation of investigation by means other than petition


(a) if the trade representative determines that an investigation should be initiated under this subchapter with respect to any matter in order to determine whether the matter is actionable under section 2411 of this title, the trade representative shall publish such determination in the federal register and shall initiate such investigation.

(b) the trade representative shall, before making any determination under subparagraph (a), consult with appropriate committees established pursuant to section 2155 of this title.


(a) by no later than the date that is 30 days after the date on which a country is identified under section 2242 (a)(2) of this title, the trade representative shall initiate an investigation under this subchapter with respect to any act, policy, or practice of that country that-

(i) was the basis for such identification, and

(ii) is not at that time the subject of any other investigation or action under this subchapter.

(b) the trade representative is not required under subparagraph (a) to initiate an investigation under this subchapter with respect to any act, policy, or practice of a foreign country if the trade representative determines that the initiation of the investigation would be detrimental to united states economic interests.

(c) if the trade representative makes a determination under subparagraph (b) not to initiate an investigation, the trade representative shall submit to the congress a written report setting forth, in detail-

(i) the reasons for the determination, and

(ii) the united states economic interests that would be adversely affected by the investigation.

(d) the trade representative shall, from time to time, consult with the register of 九游会旗舰厅 copyrights, the under secretary of commerce for intellectual property and director of the united states patent and trademark office, and other appropriate officers of the federal government, during any investigation initiated under this subchapter by reason of subparagraph (a).

(c) discretion

in determining whether to initiate an investigation under subsection (a) or (b) of this section of any act, policy, or practice that is enumerated in any provision of section 2411 (d) of this title, the trade representative shall have discretion to determine whether action under section 2411 of this title would be effective in addressing such act, policy, or practice.

§ 2413. consultation upon initiation of investigation

(a) in general

(1) on the date on which an investigation is initiated under section 2412 of this title, the trade representative, on behalf of the united states, shall request consultations with the foreign country concerned regarding the issues involved in such investigation.

(2) if the investigation initiated under section 2412 of this title involves a trade agreement and a mutually acceptable resolution is not reached before the earlier of-

(a) the close of the consultation period, if any, specified in the trade agreement, or

(b) the 150th day after the day on which consultation was commenced,

the trade representative shall promptly request proceedings on the matter under the formal dispute settlement procedures provided under such agreement.

(3) the trade representative shall seek information and advice from the petitioner (if any) and the appropriate committees established pursuant to section 2155 of this title in preparing united states presentations for consultations and dispute settlement proceedings.

(b) delay of request for consultations

(1) notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of this section-

(a) the united states trade representative may, after consulting with the petitioner (if any), delay for up to 90 days any request for consultations under subsection (a) of this section for the purpose of verifying or improving the petition to ensure an adequate basis for consultation, and

(b) if such consultations are delayed by reason of subparagraph (a), each time limitation under section 2414 of this title shall be extended for the period of such delay.

(2) the trade representative shall-

(a) publish notice of any delay under paragraph (1) in the federal register, and

(b) report to congress on the reasons for such delay in the report required under section 2419 (a)(3) of this title.

§ 2414. determinations by trade representative

(a) in general

(1) on the basis of the investigation initiated under section 2412 of this title and the consultations (and the proceedings, if applicable) under section 2413 of this title, the trade representative shall-

(a) determine whether-

(i) the rights to which the united states is entitled under any trade agreement are being denied, or

(ii) any act, policy, or practice described in subsection (a)(1)(b) or (b)(1) of section 2411 of this title exists, and

(b) if the determination made under subparagraph (a) is affirmative, determine what action, if any, the trade representative should take under subsection (a) or (b) of section 2411 of this title.

(2) the trade representative shall make the determinations required under paragraph (1) on or before-

(a) in the case of an investigation involving a trade agreement, except an investigation initiated pursuant to section 2412 (b)(2)(a) of this title involving rights under the agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (referred to in section 3511 (d)(15) of this title) or the gatt 1994 (as defined in section 3501 (1)(b) of this title) relating to products subject to intellectual property protection, the earlier of-

(i) the date that is 30 days after the date on which the dispute settlement procedure is concluded, or

(ii) the date that is 18 months after the date on which the investigation is initiated, or

(b) in all cases not described in subparagraph (a) or paragraph (3), the date that is 12 months after the date on which the investigation is initiated.


(a) if an investigation is initiated under this subchapter by reason of section 2412 (b)(2) of this title and-

(i) the trade representative considers that rights under the agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights or the gatt 1994 relating to products subject to intellectual property protection are involved, the trade representative shall make the determination required under paragraph (1) not later than 30 days after the date on which the dispute settlement procedure is concluded; or

(ii) the trade representative does not consider that a trade agreement, including the agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights, is involved or does not make a determination described in subparagraph (b) with respect to such investigation, the trade representative shall make the determinations required under paragraph (1) with respect to such investigation not later than the date that is 6 months after the date on which such investigation is initiated.

(b) if the trade representative determines with respect to an investigation initiated by reason of section 2412 (b)(2) of this title (other than an investigation involving a trade agreement) that-

(i) complex or complicated issues are involved in the investigation that require additional time,

(ii) the foreign country involved in the investigation is making substantial progress in drafting or implementing legislative or administrative measures that will provide adequate and effective protection of intellectual property rights, or

(iii) such foreign country is undertaking enforcement measures to provide adequate and effective protection of intellectual property rights,

the trade representative shall publish in the federal register notice of such determination and shall make the determinations required under paragraph (1) with respect to such investigation by no later than the date that is 9 months after the date on which such investigation is initiated.

(4) in any case in which a dispute is not resolved before the close of the minimum dispute settlement period provided for in a trade agreement, the trade representative, within 15 days after the close of such dispute settlement period, shall submit a report to congress setting forth the reasons why the dispute was not resolved within the minimum dispute settlement period, the status of the case at the close of the period, and the prospects for resolution. for purposes of this paragraph, the minimum dispute settlement period provided for under any such trade agreement is the total period of time that results if all stages of the formal dispute settlement procedures are carried out within the time limitations specified in the agreement, but computed without regard to any extension authorized under the agreement at any stage.

(b) consultation before determinations

(1) before making the determinations required under subsection (a)(1) of this section, the trade representative, unless expeditious action is required-

(a) shall provide an opportunity (after giving not less than 30 days notice thereof) for the presentation of views by interested persons, including a public hearing if requested by any interested person,

(b) shall obtain advice from the appropriate committees established pursuant to section 2155 of this title, and

(c) may request the views of the united states international trade commission regarding the probable impact on the economy of the united states of the taking of action with respect to any goods or service.

(2) if the trade representative does not comply with the requirements of subparagraphs (a) and (b) of paragraph (1) because expeditious action is required, the trade representative shall, after making the determinations under subsection (a)(1) of this section, comply with such subparagraphs.

(c) publication

the trade representative shall publish in the federal register any determination made under subsection (a)(1) of this section, together with a description of the facts on which such determination is based.

§ 2415. implementation of actions

(a) actions to be taken under section 2411

(1) except as provided in paragraph (2), the trade representative shall implement the action the trade representative determines under section 2414 (a)(1)(b) of this title to take under section 2411 of this title, subject to the specific direction, if any, of the president regarding any such action, by no later than the date that is 30 days after the date on which such determination is made.


(a) except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the trade representative may delay, by not more than 180 days, the implementation of any action that is to be taken under section 2411 of this title-

(i) if-

(i) in the case of an investigation initiated under section 2412 (a) of this title, the petitioner requests a delay, or

(ii) in the case of an investigation initiated under section 2412 (b)(1) of this title or to which section 2414 (a)(3)(b) of this title applies, a delay is requested by a majority of the representatives of the domestic industry that would benefit from the action, or

(ii) if the trade representative determines that substantial progress is being made, or that a delay is necessary or desirable, to obtain united states rights or a satisfactory solution with respect to the acts, policies, or practices that are the subject of the action.

(b) the trade representative may not delay under subparagraph (a) the implementation of any action that is to be taken under section 2411 of this title with respect to any investigation to which section 2414 (a)(3)(a)(ii) of this title applies.

(c) the trade representative may not delay under subparagraph (a) the implementation of any action that is to be taken under section 2411 of this title with respect to any investigation to which section 2414 (a)(3)(b) of this title applies by more than 90 days.

(b) alternative actions in certain cases of export targeting

(1) if the trade representative makes an affirmative determination under section 2414 (a)(1)(a) of this title involving export targeting by a foreign country and determines to take no action under section 2411 of this title with respect to such affirmation determination, the trade representative-

(a) shall establish an advisory panel to recommend measures which will promote the competitiveness of the domestic industry affected by the export targeting,

(b) on the basis of the report of such panel submitted under paragraph (2)(b) and subject to the specific direction, if any, of the president, may take any administrative actions authorized under any other provision of law, and, if necessary, propose legislation to implement any other actions, that would restore or improve the international competitiveness of the domestic industry affected by the export targeting, and

(c) shall, by no later than the date that is 30 days after the date on which the report of such panel is submitted under paragraph (2)(b), submit a report to the congress on the administrative actions taken, and legislative proposals made, under subparagraph (b) with respect to the domestic industry affected by the export targeting.


(a) the advisory panels established under paragraph (1)(a) shall consist of individuals appointed by the trade representative who-

(i) earn their livelihood in the private sector of the economy, including individuals who represent management and labor in the domestic industry affected by the export targeting that is the subject of the affirmative determination made under section 2414 (a)(1)(a) of this title, and

(ii) by education or experience, are qualified to serve on the advisory panel.

(b) by no later than the date that is 6 months after the date on which an advisory panel is established under paragraph (1)(a), the advisory panel shall submit to the trade representative and to the congress a report on measures that the advisory panel recommends be taken by the united states to promote the competitiveness of the domestic industry affected by the export targeting that is the subject of the affirmative determination made under section 2414 (a)(1)(a) of this title.

§ 2416. monitoring of foreign compliance

(a) in general

the trade representative shall monitor the implementation of each measure undertaken, or agreement that is entered into, by a foreign country to provide a satisfactory resolution of a matter subject to investigation under this subchapter or subject to dispute settlement proceedings to enforce the rights of the united states under a trade agreement providing for such proceedings.

(b) further action

(1) in general

if, on the basis of the monitoring carried out under subsection (a) of this section, the trade representative considers that a foreign country is not satisfactorily implementing a measure or agreement referred to in subsection (a) of this section, the trade representative shall determine what further action the trade representative shall take under section 2411 (a) of this title. for purposes of section 2411 of this title, any such determination shall be treated as a determination made under section 2414 (a)(1) of this title.

(2) wto dispute settlement recommendations

(a) failure to implement recommendation

if the measure or agreement referred to in subsection (a) of this section concerns the implementation of a recommendation made pursuant to dispute settlement proceedings under the world trade organization, and the trade representative considers that the foreign country has failed to implement it, the trade representative shall make the determination in paragraph (1) no later than 30 days after the expiration of the reasonable period of time provided for such implementation under paragraph 21 of the understanding on rules and procedures governing the settlement of disputes that is referred to in section 3511 (d)(16) of this title.

(b) revision of retaliation list and action

(i) in general except as provided in clause (ii), in the event that the united states initiates a retaliation list or takes any other action described in section 2411 (c)(1)(a) or (b) of this title against the goods of a foreign country or countries because of the failure of such country or countries to implement the recommendation made pursuant to a dispute settlement proceeding under the world trade organization, the trade representative shall periodically revise the list or action to affect other goods of the country or countries that have failed to implement the recommendation.

(ii) exception the trade representative is not required to revise the retaliation list or the action described in clause (i) with respect to a country, if-

(i) the trade representative determines that implementation of a recommendation made pursuant to a dispute settlement proceeding described in clause (i) by the country is imminent; or

(ii) the trade representative together with the petitioner involved in the initial investigation under this subchapter (or if no petition was filed, the affected united states industry) agree that it is unnecessary to revise the retaliation list.

(c) schedule for revising list or action

the trade representative shall, 120 days after the date the retaliation list or other section 2411 (a) action is first taken, and every 180 days thereafter, review the list or action taken and revise, in whole or in part, the list or action to affect other goods of the subject country or countries.

(d) standards for revising list or action

in revising any list or action against a country or countries under this subsection, the trade representative shall act in a manner that is most likely to result in the country or countries implementing the recommendations adopted in the dispute settlement proceeding or in achieving a mutually satisfactory solution to the issue that gave rise to the dispute settlement proceeding. the trade representative shall consult with the petitioner, if any, involved in the initial investigation under this subchapter.

(e) retaliation list

the term "retaliation list" means the list of products of a foreign country or countries that have failed to comply with the report of the panel or appellate body of the wto and with respect to which the trade representative is imposing duties above the level that would otherwise be imposed under the harmonized tariff schedule of the united states.

(f) requirement to include reciprocal goods on retaliation list

the trade representative shall include on the retaliation list, and on any revised lists, reciprocal goods of the industries affected by the failure of the foreign country or countries to implement the recommendation made pursuant to a dispute settlement proceeding under the world trade organization, except in cases where existing retaliation and its corresponding preliminary retaliation list do not already meet this requirement.

(c) consultations

before making any determination under subsection (b) of this section, the trade representative shall-

(1) consult with the petitioner, if any, involved in the initial investigation under this subchapter and with representatives of the domestic industry concerned; and

(2) provide an opportunity for the presentation of views by interested persons.

§ 2417. modification and termination of actions

(a) in general

(1) the trade representative may modify or terminate any action, subject to the specific direction, if any, of the president with respect to such action, that is being taken under section 2411 of this title if-

(a) any of the conditions described in section 2411 (a)(2) of this title exist,

(b) the burden or restriction on united states commerce of the denial rights, or of the acts, policies, and practices, that are the subject of such action has increased or decreased, or

(c) such action is being taken under section 2411 (b) of this title and is no longer appropriate.

(2) before taking any action under paragraph (1) to modify or terminate any action taken under section 2411 of this title, the trade representative shall consult with the petitioner, if any, and with representatives of the domestic industry concerned, and shall provide opportunity for the presentation of views by other interested persons affected by the proposed modification or termination concerning the effects of the modification or termination and whether any modification or termination of the action is appropriate.

(b) notice; report to congress

the trade representative shall promptly publish in the federal register notice of, and report in writing to the congress with respect to, any modification or termination of any action taken under section 2411 of this title and the reasons therefor.

(c) review of necessity

(1) if-

(a) a particular action has been taken under section 2411 of this title during any 4-year period, and

(b) neither the petitioner nor any representative of the domestic industry which benefits from such action has submitted to the trade representative during the last 60 days of such 4-year period a written request for the continuation of such action,

such action shall terminate at the close of such 4-year period.

(2) the trade representative shall notify by mail the petitioner and representatives of the domestic industry described in paragraph (1)(b) of any termination of action by reason of paragraph (1) at least 60 days before the date of such termination.

(3) if a request is submitted to the trade representative under paragraph (1)(b) to continue taking a particular action under section 2411 of this title, the trade representative shall conduct a review of-

(a) the effectiveness in achieving the objectives of section 2411 of this title of-

(i) such action, and

(ii) other actions that could be taken (including actions against other products or services), and

(b) the effects of such actions on the united states economy, including consumers.

§ 2418. request for information

(a) in general

upon receipt of written request therefor from any person, the trade representative shall make available to that person information (other than that to which confidentiality applies) concerning-

(1) the nature and extent of a specific trade policy or practice of a foreign country with respect to particular goods, services, investment, or intellectual property rights, to the extent that such information is available to the trade representative or other federal agencies;

(2) united states rights under any trade agreement and the remedies which may be available under that agreement and under the laws of the united states; and

(3) past and present domestic and international proceedings or actions with respect to the policy or practice concerned.

(b) if information not available

if information that is requested by a person under subsection (a) of this section is not available to the trade representative or other federal agencies, the trade representative shall, within 30 days after receipt of the request-

(1) request the information from the foreign government; or

(2) decline to request the information and inform the person in writing of the reasons for refusal.

(c) certain business information not made available

(1) except as provided in paragraph (2), and notwithstanding any other provision of law (including section 552 of title 5), no information requested and received by the trade representative in aid of any investigation under this subchapter shall be made available to any person if-

(a) the person providing such information certifies that-

(i) such information is business confidential,

(ii) the disclosure of such information would endanger trade secrets or profitability, and

(iii) such information is not generally available;

(b) the trade representative determines that such certification is well-founded; and

(c) to the extent required in regulations prescribed by the trade representative, the person providing such information provides an adequate nonconfidential summary of such information.

(2) the trade representative may-

(a) use such information, or make such information available (in his own discretion) to any employee of the federal government for use, in any investigation under this subchapter, or

(b) may make such information available to any other person in a form which cannot be associated with, or otherwise identify, the person providing the information.

§ 2419. administration

the trade representative shall-

(1) issue regulations concerning the filing of petitions and the conduct of investigations and hearings under this subchapter,

(2) keep the petitioner regularly informed of all determinations and developments regarding the investigation conducted with respect to the petition under this subchapter, including the reasons for any undue delays, and

(3) submit a report to the house of representatives and the senate semiannually describing-

(a) the petitions filed and the determinations made (and reasons therefor) under section 2412 of this title,

(b) developments in, and the current status of, each investigation or proceeding under this subchapter,

(c) the actions taken, or the reasons for no action, by the trade representative under section 2411 of this title with respect to investigations conducted under this subchapter, and

(d) the commercial effects of actions taken under section 2411 of this title.

§ 2420. identification of trade expansion priorities

(a) identification

(1) within 180 days after the submission in calendar year 1995 of the report required by section 2241 (b) of this title, the trade representative shall-

(a) review united states trade expansion priorities,

(b) identify priority foreign country practices, the elimination of which is likely to have the most significant potential to increase united states exports, either directly or through the establishment of a beneficial precedent, and

(c) submit to the committee on finance of the senate and the committee on ways and means of the house of representatives and publish in the federal register a report on the priority foreign country practices identified.

(2) in identifying priority foreign country practices under paragraph (1) of this section, the trade representative shall take into account all relevant factors, including-

(a) the major barriers and trade distorting practices described in the national trade estimate report required under section 2241 (b) of this title;

(b) the trade agreements to which a foreign country is a party and its compliance with those agreements;

(c) the medium- and long-term implications of foreign government procurement plans; and

(d) the international competitive position and export potential of united states products and services.

(3) the trade representative may include in the report, if appropriate-

(a) a description of foreign country practices that may in the future warrant identification as priority foreign country practices; and

(b) a statement about other foreign country practices that were not identified because they are already being addressed by provisions of united states trade law, by existing bilateral trade agreements, or as part of trade negotiations with other countries and progress is being made toward the elimination of such practices.

(b) initiation of investigations

by no later than the date which is 21 days after the date on which a report is submitted to the appropriate congressional committees under subsection (a)(1) of this section, the trade representative shall initiate under section 2412 (b)(1) of this title investigations under this subchapter with respect to all of the priority foreign country practices identified.

(c) agreements for elimination of barriers

in the consultations with a foreign country that the trade representative is required to request under section 2413 (a) of this title with respect to an investigation initiated by reason of subsection (b) of this section, the trade representative shall seek to negotiate an agreement that provides for the elimination of the practices that are the subject of the investigation as quickly as possible or, if elimination of the practices is not feasible, an agreement that provides for compensatory trade benefits.

(d) reports

the trade representative shall include in the semiannual report required by section 2419 of this title a report on the status of any investigations initiated pursuant to subsection (b) of this section and, where appropriate, the extent to which such investigations have led to increased opportunities for the export of products and services of the united states.

