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therefore there should be fewer problems pertaining to cumulative indirect taxation (paragraphs (g) and (h)) due to india�s tax reforms. 12. a couple of delegations cited particular cvd cases in which the systems of certain developing and developed countries were found to be reasonable by the investigating authorities. certain other countries did not pass the �reasonableness and effectiveness� tests in their particular cases and accepted provision of specific data to the investigating authorities for the calculation of amount of countervailing duties. 13. from the consultations, it seems that both investigating authorities and exporting members generally find the existing provisions and practices sufficiently determine the �reasonableness and effectiveness� of members� systems on a case by case basis. for example, a few delegations pointed out that the existing disciplines take into account the specific situations of individual exporting members. specifically, besides examining the reasonableness and effectiveness of a member�s verification system, authorities also must examine whether the system is based on �generally accepted commercial practices� in the country of export. in the view of these delegations, the term �generally accepted commercial practices in the country of export� is broad enough to address individual concerns. it helps to avoid a �one size fits all� approach by requiring the authorities to take into account the practices in the particular exporting country. 14. a few delegations suggested possible improvements for india�s proposed footnotes. for example, it was suggested that the footnotes could be more acceptable if they were not specific to a particular system, but provided more general criteria for determining �reasonableness and effectiveness,� and if they provided for verification by the investigating authority. for example, if a system clearly distinguished input quantities that are consumed in the production of exported goods from those that are consumed in the production of goods sold on the domestic market, the system should be acceptable provided that the investigating authority can examine and verify it. < the requirement that authorizes shall treat as a subsidy only the excess amount of indirect tax remission/duty drawback> 15. the second issue is the requirement that authorities treat only any excess amount of remission/drawback as a subsidy (proposed footnotes 2 and 4). 16. several delegations generally agreed with this principle, which they consider to be in line with footnote 1 to the scm agreement. however, others expressed concerns from both practical and legal perspective. 17. some delegations indicated that a specific reference to countervailing investigation could cause practical problems for investigating authorities. a few delegations found that proposed footnotes 2 and 4 would be redundant in light of footnote 1 to the scm agreement, and they were concerned about the legal implication of this redundancy. a fundamental issue was also raised regarding better equalization of various taxation systems in light of the scm agreement. 18. some delegations noted that under article 27.2 (a) and annex vii, india is exempted from the prohibition on export subsidies except in countervailing proceedings. < inclusion of consumables and capital goods in footnote 61 to annex ii> 19. the third issue is the inclusion of consumables and capital goods in the definition of �inputs consumed in the production process� (footnote 61 to annex ii). 20. many delegations expressed strong opposition to the inclusion of capital goods in footnote 61. they indicated that the term �capital goods� would be too broad and that allocation of costs between domestic production and export production could be complex and technically difficult. the allocation of costs for capital goods (for example, the need to allocate over different periods for different types of goods with different useful lives) is another practical concern. some delegations pointed out that capital goods themselves could be subsidized. a few delegations stated that the primary objective of footnote 61 is �inputs physically incorporated� into the exported products; the other items listed are more specific (i.e., energy, fuels and oil used in the production process and catalysts which are consumed in the course of their use to obtain the exported product). adding �capital goods� is a conceptual step too far from their perspective. 21. many delegations have reacted to the inclusion of consumables in footnote 61. their major concern is the scope or definition of consumables; they note in particular that the �inputs consumed� already exists in footnote 61. they suggested that �consumables� should be listed (if at all) in a specific way, as is currently the case for energy, fuels, oil and catalysts. india cited as possible examples for inclusion such items as grinding wheels and refractories. however, some delegations considered these examples too specific; these delegations sought terms at a similar level of specificity to the existing terms in footnote 61 (energy, fuels, oil and catalysts). i believe the proponent is still considering which specific goods could be subject items in this regard. 22. overall, i feel the delegations are taking a constructive approach to find solutions regarding these important issues. of course i do not prejudge any other possible developments in the near future. let me conclude my presentation by thanking all participants in the consultations.     page \* mergeformat1  $*����������������������rbv�i=ihzocjojqjajhzocjojqjajo(hz�cjojqjajhc�h�-5�cjojqjaj"hc�h�-5�cjojqjajo(hz�h�tj5�cjojqjajh�tjhr�5�cjojqjajhz�5�cjojqjajo(hz�5�cjojqjajh� �cjojqjajh� �cjojqjajo(hr�cjojqjajhr�cjojqjajo(hz�cjojqjajo(����< = � � � � ��@a������bc(��������������������������gd<gd� �gd�"x$a$gd� �$a$gd� ����������� u v l m � � � � � � � 9 ; 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