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new zealand; south africa; turkey; and fans group. the group received a written contribution from peru. the group has discussed the following elements by building upon previous discussions at the rng and benefiting from inputs of participants in the consultations. sovereignty: the importance of sovereignty was first recognized. some members believed that the existing antidumping agreement allowed the broad discretion regarding application of antidumping measures and that members should retain full discretion to decide what procedures to use and what criteria to take into account. some members indicated that the introduction of public interest test could limit the discretion of members not to impose antidumping measures. others sought certain disciplines on this area while respecting members� sovereignty. setting aside the judgment regarding the unsolved questions whether the public interest test could be mandatory or not and whether the status quo should be maintained or not, the elements below were illustrated. these elements were by no means exhaustive. mandatory or permissive some members favored the creation of a strong mandatory public interest in order to consider the broader impact of anti-dumping duties before applying measures in all cases. some members opposed any requirements regarding a public interest test and generally considered that a public interest test would impinge on members� sovereignty to assess own interest, which would not be covered by the wto agreement. some members considered that a test would increase the costs and complexity of proceedings, and that it could politicize the decision-making process. some members suggested that the 2007 chair�s language could be used by making it non-mandatory. wto dispute settlement/judicial review the application of a public interest test raised the issue of review under wto dispute settlement and domestic law. no member sought a full review of the application of public interest test under the wto dispute settlement procedures. some members proposed that only substantive decisions should not be subject to the wto dispute settlement. other members however strongly opposed wto dispute settlement review of both the procedures and the application of a mandatory public interest test. there was a concern that the mandatory public interest test regarding appropriateness of the procedures could implicitly allow wto dispute settlement review of substantive decisions. regarding domestic judicial reviews, some members stated that it should be up to each member to determine whether and to what extent public interest determinations should be subject to domestic review. many members pointed out that the domestic judicial reviews were inevitable in any event and could not be exempted by virtue of the antidumping agreement. what elements would be considered, i.e. economic, social, environmental or political (e.g. security and foreign policy)? the scope of public interest? some members believed that public interest test should be limited to economic impacts. a few members however pointed out that even the scope of economic aspect was not clear enough or it was difficult to distinguish economic impacts from other elements such as social and political considerations. some members considered that the ad agreement should not be prescriptive and that members should be able to define for themselves the relevant criteria, including the scope of domestic interested parties. public interest and lesser duty rule most members believed that the lesser duty rule was conceptually distinct because it focused on the level of duty necessary to eliminate injury rather than the level of duty reflecting the public interest. other members stated the distinction between public interest test and lesser duty application was blurred or not clear in certain jurisdictions. transparency many members believed that the public interest test procedure and application should be transparent. other members pointed out that any exercise of discretionary procedures under article 9.1 should be transparent irrespective of any public interest procedures. some members suggested that adequate provisions on transparency for both procedure and application were necessary in the antidumping agreement. regarding the notification to the ad committee, some members stated that article 18.5 already covered the notification of national legislation. others believed the specific notification would be nevertheless useful. 6. other aspects or ideas raised by participants some members stated that article 6.12 required the authorities to provide opportunities for industry users and representative consumer organizations to provide information which was relevant to the investigation regarding dumping, injury and causality, which could be an initial basis for consideration. two ways were suggested: article 6.12 could be expanded with respect to either the elements of relevant information or the scope of domestic interested parties. some members indicated that the element of economic aspects could be added at the last sentence of article 6.12. other members mentioned that information regarding injury might already include information about the impact of any resulting measure on directly affected parties other than the domestic industry. others however stated that article 6.12 was only for the investigation regarding dumping, injury and causality, not for the public interest test. in another word, they understood that the injury determination and the public interest test were completely distinct procedures. some members believed the scope of domestic interested parties could be expanded to whatever the entities whose interests could be affected. others argued that the scope should be limited to entities directly impacted or close to the product under investigation. some members indicated the difference between �providing opportunities� for domestic interested parties and �taking into account� of representations made by domestic interested parties. the latter could be more burdensome while the former could be still an obligation. some members expressed a concern that a mere opportunity for comments, even without mandatory consideration of such comments, could lead to an implicit public interest test obligation. a few members stated that the timing of public interest consideration should be at the last stage of the investigation after the injury determination and it should be a separate element apart from the injury determination. others stated it could be a parallel process. there was a question that public interest consideration, together with an injury investigation, could have implications for the injury analysis. some members pointed out that the result of public interest test could be non-application of measures or modulation of forms, duration and amount of duties. some members suggested the use of �desirability� wording as used in ad article 9.1 and ascm article 19.2 in introducing public interest test. others stated that even the soft language might have implications under the wto dispute settlement procedures.      page \* mergeformat 1 /01dxyhij����) u | } ~ � � � � � � � �  $ % ( d f ���������ҥҥҗ���҇ҥ҇�w�wgxgwh >xhhzcjajnhthh >xhhzcjajnho(thh >xhmfcjajnho(thh >xh�m�cjajnho(thhs[�cjajnho(thh >xhxh�f�cjajnhthh >xhzd�cjajnho(thh >xhxh�f�cjajnho(thh�ocjajnho(th"01� � g h � � � � x�����������m$ & f�d�d[$\$a$gd�sm$$ & f�d�d[$\$a$gdb;0m$$�h�d�d[$\$`�ha$gd�sm$$�d�d[$\$a$gdxh�scjajnhthh >xh�scjajnho(thh~[�cjajnho(thh�scjajnhthh>6cjajnho(thh�scjajnho(thhhzcjajnho(thh >xh�f�cjajnho(th$, 7 l q u � � � � � � � � wxdekl����忯墒�v�f�vj=hcycjajnho(thh�scjajnhthh >xh�scjajnho(thh�k�h�scjajnho(thh-�cjajnho(thh�k�h�k�cjajnhthh�k�h�k�cjajnho(thhs[�cjajnho(thh�sh�scjajnho(thh�scjajnho(thh~[�cjajnho(thh�k�cjajnhthh�k�cjajnho(thhm#ccjajnho(thl������diqy[ab������������័�ȅwhxh9hh >xh�:fcjajnhthh >xh�:fcjajnho(thh >xh�f�cjajnho(thh >xhzd�cjajnhthh*g�cjajnho(thhm#ccjajnhthh 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